Program Description

The course provides key design techniques and practical application aspects in designing HVAC systems. The course takes the learner through the typical process of designing HVAC systems, particularly for Buildings, with various applications. This course will help learners to design HVAC systems for buildings with a practical approach and real time methods used in the industry. The course covers the fundamental concepts of Air-conditioning and refrigeration systems along with the important calculations, standards used to design efficient air-conditioning and ventilation systems. Learner will also gain knowledge on various life safety systems used in buildings during fire / emergency conditions. Real time examples of Heat load calculations, Chiller piping size calculations, condenser piping size calculations, Pump head calculations are taught to students in this course by L&T’s Subject matter experts who themselves have worked on designing many iconic buildings in India and abroad. Learners are also taught about various types of HVAC equipment’s, building side components, valves, and variable refrigerant flow system. This information with real time site installation photographs will help learners understand the systems and components with better clarity.

Enables learner to:

  • Associate with the concepts of HVAC system design for buildings and apply the concepts to solve the Real-World Applications
  • Identify the various types of Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems
  • List the various equipment used for HVAC Systems

Course login valid for 4 months from the date of enrolment

Key Highlights

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Heat load calculations

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HVAC equipment’s – Chillers, Cooling towers, Pumps, Air Handling Units, and Building side components

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Demand control Ventilation systems

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Variable Refrigerant flow Systems

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External Duct static Pressure calculations

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Pump head calculations

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Life safety system design

Course enrollment data

Learning Format



14 weeks

Certified by

IITM Pravartak Technologies Foundation
Technology Innovation Hub (TIH) of IIT Madras and
L&T EduTech

Program Fee

Rs. 5100/- inclusive of Tax


Program Description

Program Brochure

Education Qualification

  • Students pursuing Diploma / UG / PG Programs in Mechanical and other allied domains

  • Faculties in the field of Mechanical and other allied domains

  • Working professionals in the above domains

Suggested Prerequisites

Fluid Mechanics, Basics of Thermodynamics, and Heat Transfer

Teaching Hours

23 hours

Lead Faculty

Mr. Prateek Dutta Roy, Joint General Manager in Buildings & Factories IC at L&T Construction. He heads MEP Design division and has more than 3 decades of rich experience in large HVAC system design across various application segments, including Airports, Commercial buildings, Public Spaces and Industries.
He was the former President and Regional Director of ISHARE Kolkata Chapter.
He is a Distinguished Lecturer of ISHRAE and is a regular speaker for various seminars and programs for the Institute of Engineers, CII, ICC, Rotary Clubs, ISHRAE and various Engineering Institutes.

Learning Schedule

Introduction to air conditioning & refrigeration, Properties of air and vapor, Psychrometry and its importance, Infiltration & Ventilation, Sensible & Latent Heat, Factors to be considered to calculate Heat load, External & Internal Heat gains, Heat load estimation, Sample Heat Load Calculation.

Introduction & Types of Ventilation system, Air flow rate calculation, Life Safety in a Building, Fire Tower, Pressurization System, Lift well and lift lobby pressurization system, Smoke extraction system, Chilled water pipe sizing, Duct system and design, Duct Sizing Methods, Pressure losses in Air Distribution System

Chiller performance and selection, Vapor absorption refrigeration system and absorption chiller, Cooling tower design, Air Handling Unit, Fundamental terms and characteristics of pumps, Piping and Pumping Arrangement, Important Terminologies in Pump Head Calculations, Piping Circuit in HVAC.

Applying DCV to CAV system, Fan Performance curves, Velocity Pressure and Total Pressure, Friction Loss and Dynamic Losses in Duct System, Loss of Coefficient for Duct Fittings, Critical Path in Static Pressure Calculation, Introduction - High Side Equipment’s, Need of Air Distribution system, Components of air distribution system, Ductwork, Duct & Pipe Accessories.

Introduction to Valves, Valve Fundamentals, Globe Valve, Gate Valve, Ball Valve, Butterfly Valve, Check Valves, Balancing Valves, Multi-Purpose Valves, Y - strainers, PIBCV, Motorized valves, VRF system, Evolution of VRF system, Need for VRF system, Selection of VRF Systems, VRF Salient features.

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